Friday, July 27, 2007

Anne of Green Gables

I started watching part of the first Anne of Green Gables' movies with my cousins tonight. The book was one of my favorites as a child, and I still love the movie. I should probably reread the book, and all the others that I used to love so much. Polyanna, The Little Princess, Heidi, Little Lord Fauntleroy. Their main characters were not only so innocent, but also so full of happiness that they spread to all those around them. I always wanted to be like them. And they were good moral characters. They might not have been perfect, but morality was always highlighted as important in the stories. I think that's one reason why I've been unable to get into the Harry Potter craze. It took me almost six months to finish the first book. I just was not all that impressed. He was somewhat of a brat whose one redeeming quality was that he happened to be good at magic. I could not admire him or aspire to be like him. I've been told that the later books actually do develop his character and that he learns to behave better but I just don't have the desire to sit through thousands of pages to find what other authors have been able to do in a couple hundred.

1 comment:

Eric S. said...

I love Anne of Green Gables more than life its self.