Sunday, August 19, 2007

Little Sister

One of my younger sisters moved into her dorm room this afternoon. That was just weird. I know that she's not little anymore, but I just can't believe that she's old enough to be in college. For that matter I can't believe that I'm old enough for her to be in college. It was also somewhat strange to be back on campus, watching everyone move in, and knowing that I won't be going back as a student. Watching all the freshmen walking around campus trying to orient themselves and parents investigating everything to ensure that their little darlings will be comfortable took me back to my first day at Rice. I was so nervous and scared, with no clue what I was doing. I've changed a lot. I hope that in four years all these young kids will look back at the beginning of O-week and realize that college is an awesome experience. I hope they have as much fun as I did.


Eric S. said...

Yeah, I know the feeling. There is nothing that has made me feel more like an old man than when my younger sibling is in college and engaged to be married. Plus, it doesn't help that Patrick and Amanda are going to have a kid, so I am going to be an uncle soon. Blah. :P I better start contemplating retiring because I feel so old.

Maiella said...

You're going to be an uncle?!? That's wonderful! Congratulations!!!