Monday, August 6, 2007

Go big or go home

I just got off the phone with my mom, and one of her last comments was "You just can't do anything that's not big can you." In case you are wondering what prompted that, let me tell you a little story. It's a story about my first day of work. Ya see, it started out the way I planned. I woke up at 5:30 and swam some laps at the apartment pool, came back, showered, got dressed put on makeup, got in my car and started the drive to work. Being the slightly nerdy dork that I am, I was alternating listening to some piano music that I want to learn and some French pop as I drove. I'd been a little afraid of the traffic, but until the last stoplight it was flowing pretty well. At 8am I turned into the complex, proud of myself for timing things so well. The visitor's parking garage was just ahead, but I stopped to let a pedestrian cross the street. All of a sudden "BANG." Ok, stop and rewind. That's just the music right? It can't possibly be that the guy in the white SUV behind me just hit me. Please don't let it be that? I got out of the car and the first words out of my mouth were "Just tell me you have insurance. That's all I care about. Please just tell me you have insurance." You have to remember that I'm driving my brand new, less than a month old, car. The guy assures me that he does, that he just bought the car two weeks ago, blah blah. He's young, just started work two weeks ago. We exchange information and agree to meet later as we both have meetings starting at 8:30. Four o'clock rolls around and we meet downstairs in the lobby of my building. The poor guy is visibly shaken and very upset. Me? I'm not too worried. After all, insurance is going to take care of it, right? Right! Oh, except for the one little part where his insurance is now saying that he's not actually covered. Talk about God having a sense of humor. But things are going to work. He's willing to pay for everything, and drove with me to drop off the car and pick up a rental. It really could have been a lot worse. I could have hit the guy crossing in front of me. It could have been much worse damage. One of us could have been injured. He could be a complete jerk. Granted, things aren't completely finished, but I trust that things will work. At least I hope they do. I was telling the story to my roommates when I got home this evening and they started lecturing me for my stupidity. Yes, the check he wrote me could bounce, and he could pull his credit card. And if that happens then I might stop being so amused by the fact that this happened on my first day of work. But until then, I think you kinda have to give the general decency in human beings a shot. I dunno. In the end it's just money.

And now for something lighter. You should totally check out this video. I can't take credit for mixing it, but I can and will take credit for most of the video clips and pictures...esp the ones of people laying out. Yep those are my pictures. I pretty much rock. :-)


no_one_knows said...

talk about a crazy first day!!! everyone is still laughing around here!! lol... that is sooo one of those murphy's law things.... only in a good way! anyways, luv and hugs

Maiella said...

hey!!! I'm allowed to laugh about it but I don't know how I feel about you laughing at me. :-P