Monday, February 12, 2007

Vegas baby!

I got back from Vegas about twelve hours ago, and am still in the process of recovering. No, I did not gamble. I was there for an ultimate tournament, and what a tournament! The first two days the weather was about as perfect as possible. We came out strong in our first games and were playing some of the best ultimate I've ever see Miss Red play. Good ultimate is so much fun to play. We went 3-0 our first day, the first time we've ever done that as a team. It was incredible and I am so excited about the rest of this semester. The second day also began well. We went 2-1 on Saturday, losing to UCLA-B by four points. Even that loss, though hard, was bearable. We were playing with nine girls. They had almost twenty, and we still managed to win the second half. That in itself was impressive. Our last game was pretty easy, and we won 13-1. Unfortunately, that was also a difficult game for me. I made quite a few bad decisions, and threw away numerous disks. Thankfully, I am just one person and the rest of the team played flawlessly. Sunday was tough because it was windy, and ultimate in the wind is just not as much fun as ultimate in beautiful weather. We lost our first and third games, and won the second one pretty much because we won the toss. There were no upwind points scored that game. I would really like to play the first team again...I think they would be an awesome and totally fun team to play in more normal weather conditions. The third game of the day, and the last of the tournament, was another heart-breaker. They won on an upwind point in hard cap, with my girl scoring the point on an upwind huck. I really should have had the D, but could not find the energy to challenge. Definitely motivation to continue conditioning.

Evenings were also a ton of fun. It was just the girls at the hotel so we got dressed up Friday and Saturday night and roamed around the strip looking pretty darn good! :) I know. I'm not really the girl who tends to get dressed up or put on makeup but occasionally it can be lots of fun. Besides, I really like doing the unexpected. We somehow managed to everyone to put on party clothes and look cute. I think some of them felt it was pointless because all we did was wonder around for a few hours, but the getting ready part was (in my opinion) the best part.

We got back to Houston at 7am this morning, just in time for me to write my paper and do my problem set before class. I haven't been very productive at all today, which probably means I should stop typing and start working.

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