Saturday, February 3, 2007

100 Days!

It's actually less than 100 days at this point, and it's still a little bit hard to believe. 100 days until I graduate from college. It's exciting and scary at the same time. I've really enjoyed college with all its ups and downs. It's been a good four years and it doesn't seem possible that time is winding down as quickly as it is. This semester is going to be just packed with fun and randomness. It is very tempting to look back and spend lots of time dwelling on what has happened in the past, but in doing so I feel like I would be missing out on too much of the present. I intend to make every moment count. That doesn't mean that I'll be running around as busy as can be doing a million different things. Part of that is spending lots of quality time sitting on the couch watching Scrubs and talking to my roommate; or curled up in a chair in Rm 106 reading for my econ class. People are the most important assets in which to invest. True friends will be there for you no matter what.

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