Monday, September 3, 2007

Wet puppy

That's pretty much how I felt by the time I made it back to my car after today's game of ultimate. Yet despite all of that, if I had the chance I would be out there again right now. I miss playing ultimate. I don't care if I was soaking wet from the incessant drizzle and covered in grass and mud...I had fun today! One of my roommates doesn't like to break a sweat and so refuses to play spots. I just don't understand that. I love the tired feeling you get after a hard workout; digging deep and pushing yourself. What I hate is feeling is feeling out of shape so that my body doesn't want to respond the way that I want it to. I think I might have to start running occasionally in addition to swimming. Or maybe a track workout. For some odd reason I'd much rather do sprints than run distance.

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